
Infamous second son
Infamous second son

The series' Morality System also returns, once again letting you tread that thin line between good and evil, both in the heat of battle and the way you play the game as a whole. InFAMOUS: Second Son sees a return to the open-world gameplay of the previous games, with familiar parkour skills and melee-based combat joining your super powers as weapons to use against the deadly DUP - as well as other Conduits who get in your way. Special price for PS4-G DUALPACK INFAMOUS SECOND SON/FIRST LIGHT R3EN SOFTWARE PLAYSTATION ASIA-00129 You can buy PS4-G DUALPACK INFAMOUS SECOND SON/FIRST. This puts you right in the firing line of the Department of Unified Protection - but little do they know that you're willing to fire right back!

infamous second son

In this dark world, you'll play as Delsin Rowe, whose abilities to control and turn into smoke are awakened when you rescue passengers from a bus accident. This super-powered sequel picks up from the events of the first two inFAMOUS games, with the aftermath of Cole's actions leading to a government agency cracking down on Conduits - individuals with superhuman powers. All this awaits in inFAMOUS: Second Son, only on PlayStation 4.

Infamous second son