
Kingdom under fire 2
Kingdom under fire 2

YES NO Even though KUF2 will be based on an MMO system which can hold a massive population and players can interact with each other, its general game system will purely reflect the traditional RTS that you know. Blending these two principals gave a birth to the new Kingdom Under Fire and ended up being called a MMOARTS game, which stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Action RTS, with a virtual world where gamers can live in, form a massive army then declare a war against other groups of gamers rather than go for a quick in-and-out RTS match. And I've always believed that the key essence of RTS games is to enjoy completing it with other people online.

kingdom under fire 2

First, our goal was to make a perfection of action Real-time Strategy genre that once we tried to achieve in KUFTC. IGN: What was the reasoning behind the decision to depart from the RTS and dungeon crawler genres of the previous games and opt for a MMOARTS? SangYoun Lee: Kingdom Under Fire 2 ("KUF2" hereinafter) as introduced in our first announcement is a sequel that truly inherits Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders. We decided to ask what that actually meant. So what, then, can we expect from Blueside's official sequel? They said in a press release a few weeks back that it would be an MMOARTS, meaning massively multiplayer online action real time strategy game. Granted not all these titles have been exactly the same in terms of gameplay, but they definitely number more than one.

kingdom under fire 2 kingdom under fire 2 kingdom under fire 2

There was Kingdom Under Fire: A War of Heroes on PC back in 2001, The Crusaders in 2004 on Xbox, Heroes in 2005 on Xbox, Circle of Doom on Xbox 360 last year. Some may think it strange to see an upcoming game called Kingdom Under Fire 2 when, over the past few years, we've seen many titles bearing the same name.

Kingdom under fire 2